The PNWVS thanks you for your interest in joining our society! Before you download the application, please be sure to read through the PNWVS Membership Guidelines. All applications must be completed four months prior to the next annual meeting to be considered for membership the same year.



All active members shall be physicians fulfilling membership requirements residing in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Montana, or the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan, Canada.

Active members must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

  • Hold a certificate of competence in general vascular surgery, vascular and interventional radiology, or cardiology as recognized in the United States or Canada;
  • Previous major contribution to the field of vascular disease;
  • Membership in the Society for Vascular Surgery, the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, the Society of Interventional Radiology, or the Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology;
  • Should a person desiring membership meet none of the above criteria, that person may submit a list a major vascular reconstructions or interventions which have been performed, and which should include, but need not be limited to, at least fifty (50) consecutive major vascular reconstructions or interventions, which list will be reviewed by the Membership Committee of the Corporation and if approved by the Membership Committee, the applicant’s name shall be in turn approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation and the membership.


Associate membership shall be available to those who do not qualify for active membership, but who have an interest in vascular diseases.


Senior membership status shall be granted to active members who have retired from the active practice of medicine who have requested transfer of their membership status to senior status by submission of such request in writing to the Board of Directors. Senior members shall be excused from paying corporate dues.


Gary Yang, PhD, MD, FRCSC - Kelowna Vascular Group
Matthew Smith, MD, PhD - University of Washington
Kirsten Dansey, MD - University of Washington
Eric Bluemn, MD, PhD - St. Luke's Regional Medical Center
Rusheet Patel, MD - Oregon Health & Science University
PNWVS New Members

Apply for Active, Associate, or Senior Membership

Dear Friends in Vascular Surgery,

I am writing today to share an opportunity to join the community of vascular surgeons in the Pacific Northwest Vascular Society. Together we share the mission to accomplish the following objectives of this Society:

  • To contribute to the understanding of peripheral vascular diseases.
  • To promote the professional development of specialists in vascular disease.
  • To maintain high standards in caring for the patient with vascular disease.
  • To provide a forum for the presentation of scientific information and the proposal of theories concerning vascular diseases.
  • To strengthen our regional community of vascular surgeons.

In my career I have found the resource of the group and this meeting to be inspirational. It would be my pleasure to sponsor your application with a letter of recommendation.

The new member applications will be voted on at the business meeting on November 3, 2023 at the Pacific Northwest Vascular Society Annual Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. where you will be presented with your membership certificate.

Apply today! If you have questions, please contact me for more information.

Council Photo